Saturday, April 18, 2020

Coming out of ignorance into knowledge

COVID-19 quarantine thoughts to share

My past two months thoughts- coming out of ignorance into knowledge. 

In January while watching the news about China,  I believed our leaders at first as like so many, I thought we would be ok because USA wasn't going to be effected by this virus like China.  We tend to think that we are privileged and that somehow the USA has better health care system and Doctors etc.  Then some of the truth started getting out and we were seeing other countries were having cases and deaths reported.  We got our own case reported January 20th and I still believed the President that we were safe. I continued to go to work and not worry about my health, then more and more information started to come through and how no we can not stop this.

Still in my ignorance, by beginning of March I was in the concerned stage of my health and how far would this go.  I would go to work and start worrying about each cough and sneeze , worry what would happen if I got it with my weak immune system from MS? Yet when things got to the point of closing down non essential business to slow down the spread so that hospitals would not become overwhelmed with cases needing ICU and equipment in short supply. I still thought that the two weeks shut down was for real but then I started paying attention and watching the news learning everything I could about what was happening.  That was about March 20th , that is when my reality hit- My health and all my loved ones were at risk.  I learned new information everyday about how it transfers and how those Asymptomatic could spread it without even knowing they have it.  How many of my co-workers could of had it, how many of their family members didn't just have a cold or allergies but if tested might test positive for COVID-19.

It became common knowledge that we were not going back in two weeks or two months.  Thank God we were able to work remote and keep our paychecks coming in.  Each day I would talk to more and more businesses shutting their doors and not sure if they would be able to reopen any time soon.

Now my knowledge of COVID-19 was expanding but sadly so was my understanding that our President was intentionally trying to keep everyone ignorant.  He said himself on live news which he can not claim as fake since we are all watching him say it....He said that "all my friends think we should all let this just flow through like a wave".  Yea, that was his big plan, let it flow through the country and business as usual. Only once in past month have I heard him say anything sympathetic to the families that have lost someone.   I'm trying to make sense of the behaviors I see from a man that is supposed to be a leader to our country. Will write more on this at another time.

Thank you for reading my post and if you agree , great and if not and you respect me and my opinion then great.   If you don't and want to force your opinion then I simply thank God I have choices of who I keep in my life.   PEACE

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Live in awareness of your vibration.

I need this reminder and I hope it helps you too

1. Become conscious of your thoughts. 
Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. Every single thought that comes into your head has an impact on you.   How 'bout this, the next time a negative thought shows up in your head, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then dismiss it and turn it around for the positive.
2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. 
Beauty is all around us, yet so often we walk around with our blinkers on. Stop rushing for a moment and take the time to stand in the sun and appreciate your surroundings.  
3. Be conscious of the foods you eat. 
Some foods vibrate at high frequencies, and some lower (broccoli has a high vibration as do blueberries; Big Macs don't vibrate at all ;-). If you are consuming foods covered in chemicals and pesticides, or foods found within plastic packaging, it will leave you vibrating lower. Conversely, consume good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations disseminate throughout your body. Most importantly, pay attention to how eating certain foods make your body feel.  
4. Drink water and spend time in water.  
Always ensure you drink plenty of water (filtered! ) to assist your body to flush out toxicity day to day. Toxicity has a marked impact on our vibration so we must do what we can to reduce it's impact within us and around us.  Water is high vibration. 
5. Meditate use  aroma therapy or color therapy
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation calms your spirit and puts you in a peaceful state of mind. Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever.
6. Live in an "Attitude of Gratitude" 
Making a gratitude list shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant in your life. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. For example, every night when I go to bed I write down (in a little gratitude journal) 5 things I am grateful for that day. It's such a beautiful exercise.
7. Acts of kindness.
Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough" or "Woe is me", to I am more than this and with what I learn, I can help others"  In the same vein, being kind (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a high vibration.     
8. Get your blood pumping.
Vibration requires movement.  Exercise , the more you move the better your vibrations move. So Get Active! Dance! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Borrowed these photos from my younger Sister , Pam in upstate NY , So wish I was there as Fall in PA at least in my area Southwestern PA just doesn’t seem to time it for full Fall foliage scenes.
Life seems that way , with the flow of our relationships with others in our world. Sometimes we are greeting a brand new baby as someone we love from a long trusted nurtured bond passes from this world. A day full of joy and happiness is followed by a day of sudden loss or news of a fatal illness.
Our lives are full of seasons that collide, flow up and down , brings joy, hardships, sadness. With each experience we grow, learn valuable lessons and are able to clear away drama from the truth of our soul’s purpose.
What I have come to understand is that it’s Important to know in each moment , that we will keep getting back up - breathing, taking those steps, loving those around us until we have fulfilled our Soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Enjoy your journey & stay focused on knowing you are more than this!
Life is not easy but it is as beautiful as fall foliage in all its wonder!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Today's thoughts: Do you feel aligned with your life purpose?

I posted on FB to see who knows what Soul Based Living is.  Curious to see the responses... Do you feel aligned with your life purpose?

 I live daily focused on my Soul and why I am here. Since I was a young child I knew I was not of this world and that God spoke directly to my soul.  As a young child, I sought to find out what God wanted me to accomplish.  I know the basics that we are to share UNconditional Love with All others and to Forgive those that trespass upon us. 

I did not know though that in order to have UNconditional Love for others that I had to learn how to love myself Unconditionally and that has been my hardest lesson in this lifetime. (Thought that would be a natural) When you are a young child , you quickly forget where you came from and this world clouds the pure love you once knew.  Adults in charge of you tell you are bad, stupid, worthless and rob you of your spirit to fight for your soul. They model judgements and condemnation of you and others, this ideal of love seems more and more distant.  My spirit was robbed from me as a child to the point of thoughts of suicide as a teenager.  God protected me and convinced me that there was more to come and that these people that lived a life of judging and hurting others were not of Him. I was reminded of a grandmother that taught me that the Bible says "vengeance is mine saith the Lord" and I hold on to my believes once again.

Though logically I understood these people were the sick ones, that had no concept of love- my heart and soul was crushed , injured from all the years of abuse, verbal, physical and sexual abuse from more than one along with abandonment issue from birth mothers death at four years old to lack of love and nowhere to run when I finally asked someone. Eventually is was all about survival and you forget that there is a purpose of being here. Years of just surviving has brought me to a place where I realize I was not meant to just survive! 

We are meant to thrive, thrive and grow to shine our light that we came here with. It starts with Unconditional love for yourself...forgiveness to those that hurt you and to you, yes forgive yourself  for being too young to stop it then as an adult too naive to know how to process those feelings.

My goal is to fulfill the purpose of which I came here to accomplish. Do you feel aligned with your life purpose?  Do you even give it a thought?  I am finally at the age of 60 coming to a point of aligning myself back to my purpose.  Your children deserve for you to seek these answers and teach them to be true to their soul.

Please don't wait so long for you to do so- look within and find how to live a soul based life.  

Sunday, December 3, 2017


A hole is in my heart and although I know Cassandra is always with me spiritually, we all know that is not what was "suppose to be"! God gives us all free will, some use it for evil and some use it for good. Cassandra used hers for good always but someone that used his for evil took her away from us!!!! It is not what God planned, it is what happened and we do our best to live on as she would want us to. I forgive them, not for taking my Sunshine, but for being lost souls and never being taught how to love themselves or others.
God, our spiritual guides teaches us to forgive...Because it is the right thing to do, so that we do not allow evil or fear to root in our hearts , forgiveness allows us to be able to continue to live life whole and be able to love others.
Every moment of every day, I miss Cassandra so very much my heart literally aches. Do not ever think that if you see me smiling that it means I am "ok now" with Cassandra's murder, I will never be ok with her being taken from us. It just means I am doing my best to love and live as my Sunshine wants me to.
Thank you to everyone that has shown Chel and I love to help us hold on and get through this hell on earth. PTSD is real and I fight feelings of reliving my shock and grief each time I hear someone else is now suffering the pain I feel. I fight the knowledge that anyone can really walk up to anyone at anytime and end their life just because they choose evil. I fight allowing fear by knowing for a fact that our souls do continue on and we all remain together eternally.
We can heal from the shock (eventually) , we can heal by being able to forgive. We can heal by opening ourselves up to our loved ones spiritually. Cassandra continuously shows us that she remains with us on spiritual level and knowing spiritually we are together eternally is what keeps me waking up each day and focusing on the things I am grateful for.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference

Sunday, June 11, 2017


To help us all ,not only with our grief of losing a loved one but in our life as a whole:

Separation is just a state of mind...we are all spiritual beings that are connected eternally. Rid yourselves from the fear of separation and you will be free to live fully the life you are intended to live.

All man religions are built on the fear of separation,  TRUTH is there is no separation.  We are all one, one spirit connected eternally. 

Come to realize you are a spiritual being living a temporary physical existence in this lifetime and that you are here to grow spiritually.   Our goal is to develop our ability to remain in spirit while living here physically. 

With each lifetime you grow either closer in spirit or further....the choice is yours.   We create our own Heaven or Hell right here on earth. 



"I did not use will to detach ...That is impossible!
I realized what is fear & dissolved it with Truth

The mind believes in the fear it is possessed by ... Only Truth dissolves fear"

We are meant to be more than ourselves....join your spirit with all the others to see the glimmer of light called Peace on earth.

Peace, Love & Sunshine Always
Soleil Radieux's HEALING Momma

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Don't let your message die with you!!!

  "I was sitting at lunch with one of my clients.I asked her why she decided to work with our team and I.  She said, “Because I don’t want my message to die with me.”
I was initially surprised. She is beautiful, vibrant, and healthy. But she’s also WISE.

Don't let your message die with you.  Get healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually, out grow your circumstances, grow through your grief, your trauma of childhood abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse.  Too many of us get stuck in our misery and end up settling there although we know deep inside we have more to give, more to live.

 Break free from holding onto the misery, the resentments and anger.  It is your time to blossom , time to share your story with others so that they can find the inspiration to grow through their pain too. When we hold it all inside, we can not heal, we keep reliving the pain all over again and again.  Opening up and sharing allows us to realize we are not alone and in turn we can help others to learn that gift of freedom as well.

Consider ways that you can share your story by going to support meetings, writing blogs, post on FB, writing a book, do speaking engagements, sharing one on one with those that you feel God put before you to share with....however you decide to share, just know you are healing yourself and the others each time your open up and share.

Peace, Love & Sunshine Always.