Borrowed these photos from my younger Sister , Pam in upstate NY , So wish I was there as Fall in PA at least in my area Southwestern PA just doesn’t seem to time it for full Fall foliage scenes.
Life seems that way , with the flow of our relationships with others in our world. Sometimes we are greeting a brand new baby as someone we love from a long trusted nurtured bond passes from this world. A day full of joy and happiness is followed by a day of sudden loss or news of a fatal illness.
Our lives are full of seasons that collide, flow up and down , brings joy, hardships, sadness. With each experience we grow, learn valuable lessons and are able to clear away drama from the truth of our soul’s purpose.
Life seems that way , with the flow of our relationships with others in our world. Sometimes we are greeting a brand new baby as someone we love from a long trusted nurtured bond passes from this world. A day full of joy and happiness is followed by a day of sudden loss or news of a fatal illness.
Our lives are full of seasons that collide, flow up and down , brings joy, hardships, sadness. With each experience we grow, learn valuable lessons and are able to clear away drama from the truth of our soul’s purpose.
What I have come to understand is that it’s Important to know in each moment , that we will keep getting back up - breathing, taking those steps, loving those around us until we have fulfilled our Soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Enjoy your journey & stay focused on knowing you are more than this!
Life is not easy but it is as beautiful as fall foliage in all its wonder!!!