Saturday, April 18, 2020

Coming out of ignorance into knowledge

COVID-19 quarantine thoughts to share

My past two months thoughts- coming out of ignorance into knowledge. 

In January while watching the news about China,  I believed our leaders at first as like so many, I thought we would be ok because USA wasn't going to be effected by this virus like China.  We tend to think that we are privileged and that somehow the USA has better health care system and Doctors etc.  Then some of the truth started getting out and we were seeing other countries were having cases and deaths reported.  We got our own case reported January 20th and I still believed the President that we were safe. I continued to go to work and not worry about my health, then more and more information started to come through and how no we can not stop this.

Still in my ignorance, by beginning of March I was in the concerned stage of my health and how far would this go.  I would go to work and start worrying about each cough and sneeze , worry what would happen if I got it with my weak immune system from MS? Yet when things got to the point of closing down non essential business to slow down the spread so that hospitals would not become overwhelmed with cases needing ICU and equipment in short supply. I still thought that the two weeks shut down was for real but then I started paying attention and watching the news learning everything I could about what was happening.  That was about March 20th , that is when my reality hit- My health and all my loved ones were at risk.  I learned new information everyday about how it transfers and how those Asymptomatic could spread it without even knowing they have it.  How many of my co-workers could of had it, how many of their family members didn't just have a cold or allergies but if tested might test positive for COVID-19.

It became common knowledge that we were not going back in two weeks or two months.  Thank God we were able to work remote and keep our paychecks coming in.  Each day I would talk to more and more businesses shutting their doors and not sure if they would be able to reopen any time soon.

Now my knowledge of COVID-19 was expanding but sadly so was my understanding that our President was intentionally trying to keep everyone ignorant.  He said himself on live news which he can not claim as fake since we are all watching him say it....He said that "all my friends think we should all let this just flow through like a wave".  Yea, that was his big plan, let it flow through the country and business as usual. Only once in past month have I heard him say anything sympathetic to the families that have lost someone.   I'm trying to make sense of the behaviors I see from a man that is supposed to be a leader to our country. Will write more on this at another time.

Thank you for reading my post and if you agree , great and if not and you respect me and my opinion then great.   If you don't and want to force your opinion then I simply thank God I have choices of who I keep in my life.   PEACE

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