Saturday, December 31, 2016

Bio, Mission and Copyright

Carol Kirkum is a passionate advocate for people that want to stand in their own.  She encourages them to use their own VOICE to establish their own POWER and CREATE their own life.

 As a Life Coach, Author and Speaker that graduated West Allegheny High ,class of 1978 , she grew her self worth while living in Las Vegas, NV for thirty eight years and is now will be moving back to the beautiful suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA.  Carol is daily helping others to grow within their own self worth.


 Carol has worked with clients that include moms, adult addicts, teenagers, other Parents / siblings of Murdered Children , Victim advocates. . By working with people to develop their unique strengths, she thrives when she sees her clients transform and make positive impacts in the world. -

 Carol now focuses on Youth, Pre-teen and Teenagers- We must motivate students to change from the inside-out by teaching positive character traits like respect, responsibility, and self-esteem.

 After Carol's daughter Cassandra was murdered at the age of 24, Carol sought spiritual help and her spirit guides which includes her daughter Cassandra , informed her that: 

 "You are outstanding at what you do and determined to positively impact as many lives as you can. This is your heart’s desire, your mission, and your life’s purpose!
You have the priceless gift of being able to help others break through their blocks and create the lives they truly want and deserve.
And what you want the most is to offer your gift to as many people as possible.
Because after all… what are your gifts and talents worth if you’re not actively using them to make the impact you know you could make? To change the lives you know you could change? And to create the impact you know you could create…

The following are ways that Carol plans on accomplishing that by sharing her experience strength and hope..... For those that do not know what "Soleil Radieux" means to Carol...Her daughter Cassandra was a artist and fashion designer, she signed her online art work and Store by name "Soliel Radieux"  Meaning Bright, Sunshine.  Her nickname from pre-birth was Sunshine.  That name is now Carol's way of continuing to shine Cassandra's light. 

 © 2016 Carol Kirkum 
"Soleil Radieux's Healing"  Certified Life Coaching

(Goal Summer 2017) © 2017 Carol Kirkum ,Author 
 "Soleil Radieux's Healing Momma"
Break the cycles of childhood abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, addiction

( Goal Fall 2017 ) Speak at  Elementary, Middle/Jr high schools Allegheny County School District PA
 © 2017 Carol Kirkum ,
 Certified Life Coach. Author & Speaker
"Soleil Radieux's Healing Momma"

Keep your eyes posted for Carol's next teachings here on this Blog, coming soon website  and when you see her in person
 you will come a little closer to realizing that we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Love Peace Sunshine Always

Monday, December 26, 2016

Frequently asked questions

1) What is the difference between therapy vs Coaching:
Life Coaching and Therapy are not the same though they oftentimes overlap. Life Coaching is not medical treatment. The focus of coaching is on “the now,” development of strengths, and co-creation of external solutions to overcome barriers, learn new skills and implement them.
A Therapist makes diagnoses, explores the roots of problems, seeks to bring about healing and explores “the why.” If you are concerned your teenager needs a therapist, feel free to be in contact and I can refer you to a trusted professional in the area.
For a more detailed breakdown on the differences between therapy and coaching, please feel free to contact me via this blog or facebook page: 
 2) Is coaching covered by insurance?
 Life Coaching is more of a Holistic treatment and is not considered medical treatment, therefore there is no insurance coverage for this service.
3) Is Coaching for all ages?
Yes,  I became a coach for the purpose of reaching Tweens!  I worked at a drug rehab treatment center for six years and started to feel as though by time clients reached me in treatment , for most this was too late.  I realized that if I could reach Tweens before the childhood bullying , abuse , trauma took them over- I would have more of a chance to help them transform their thinking to overcome anything in life and not head to feelings that they want to numb with drugs and alcohol or worse contemplate suicide over!
Please seek help with your tween and realize that although they seem difficult to get to open up, they do open up to those that are not their parent.  Allow that person to be someone you can trust to guide them to a healthy way of thinking and resolving their problems.  

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Pro-peace, love & Sunshine

Mother Theresa said she would not be apart of any ANTI- anything.  Invite her to a PRO- anything and she would be there!!!!

I plan on keeping my book, life coaching and speaker campaign based on her words!   There are books, speakers out there talking to our children about anti-drugs, anti-bullying, anti-sextrafficking etc. I want to change that since like Mother Theresa said, people are apt to join pro movements rather than Anti movements.

 Anti- is like being told NO rather than YES.  When I was raising my two little girls and they got to that age of walking and picking things up that were Mommy's nic-nacs , I would not yell no don't touch that....I would go over to them and hand them a YES toy first then say YES play with this and get them to take toy.  As they got older I was forced to use word NO but I would not do that without giving them the YES choice.

I believe that teenagers will not hear the anti message since they are tired of NO already.  When I tell them what YES is, they may be more apt to listen.

What do you think?

Thursday, December 8, 2016


  © 2016 Carol Kirkum
"Healing from Within Certified Life Coaching"

(Goal Summer 2017) © 2017 Carol Kirkum ,Author 
 "Healing From Within"
Break the cycles of childhood abuse, sexual abuse, trauma, addiction

( Goal Fall 2017 into  Elementary, Middle/Jr high schools Allegheny County School District PA)
 © 2017 Carol Kirkum ,
 Certified Life Coach. Author & Speaker
"My choice to Heal from Within"

Sunday, December 4, 2016

"Healing from Within"- Certified Life Coach Carol Kirkum

I accomplished my Life coaching training, the final exam and I am now seeking to work 100 hours face to face coaching as a Certified Life Coach along side with another coach as further training.  Once I have accomplished that I will be ready to officially start my own business called  "Healing from Within".

I have always believed that your life is effected by your family , genetics , your environment yet I also know that the quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of choices you make.  You have a choice and ability to transform your life at any point of your life.  It is within your power and it comes from within. 

Each choice you make leads you down a road, a road that can change your life for the better or a road that can change your life for the worse. You are here right now, you are at choice right now… which road will you take? 

 I use to tell my daughters that when they come to a fork in the road and they are making a choice to always stop and pause to feel the reaction of their bodies to each choice before deciding.  We all need to learn to stop and listen to our bodies to souls to know how to make right choices. 

Took me years of my life to learn these lessons and I am so excited to have the life experience and now the education to know how to show others how to slow down and make some better choices for their life. 

Healing from Within has been my own life and it will be a joy to teach you adults and especially teenagers. Teenage years were my hardest and I want to reach out to our youth to help them understand themselves and life better during the most confusing years. 

My Inspiration and Mentor "Soul Success" Tedi Anne Templeton , Certified Professional Life Coach

"Soul Success" is the name of my friend Tedi Anne's Life Coaching Business.   Tedi Anne was one of the very first people I went to to talk to after My precious daughter, Cassandra was murdered.  She truly helped me tremendously to put my feelings into perspective and my goals of what to do to focus , to breath and make one decision at a time- get through the next eight months without a breakdown.

My life has never been the same since Cassandra was taken from us and it will never be the same. Time is passing and decisions for other changes are needed.  Changes on where to move to, changes in a career when we move across the country.  With my MS, my body is not able to keep up physically and I can not do "just any job" and I can only do what I feel is worthy of my soul now that my life is here at this point.  I feel a strong calling to fulfill , at same time I feel my entire life has been leading up to constantly.  It is a very natural calling,  as I "coach" communicate with everyone I come close.

As far as a change in a career goes, as time has gone by, I have changed my mind a couple times and then my other decisions would not feel right in my soul.   I started working on my book that I had dreamed of writing for the last ten to fifteen years , then realized how a career of Life Coaching would work right along with the book. The book would be a great platform for the Life Coach Career or the Life Coach Business will be a great platform for my book when it releases?  I could even take it into a speaking forum as well into our schools.  After all it all fits snugly under the umbrella of my ultimate goal to teach teens how to transform their own life, how to find their own voice and not feel need to consider suicide or need to numb feelings with alcohol or drugs.

This I feel will truly be my Soul's Success.  My goal is to reach young children, pre-teen and teenagers, help them to realize their dreams and let go of their blocks that they may be already facing at that tuff time of life.  Working in a drug and alcohol treatment center for over five years now has taught me that we need to reach this young generation at the start when life is over whelming our teenagers and help them sort through the drama from their Soul's purpose.

I have you to thank, Tedi Anne Templeton  You helped me to stay focused a moment at a time and heal from within to accomplish my life's purpose!