Sunday, December 4, 2016

My Inspiration and Mentor "Soul Success" Tedi Anne Templeton , Certified Professional Life Coach

"Soul Success" is the name of my friend Tedi Anne's Life Coaching Business.   Tedi Anne was one of the very first people I went to to talk to after My precious daughter, Cassandra was murdered.  She truly helped me tremendously to put my feelings into perspective and my goals of what to do to focus , to breath and make one decision at a time- get through the next eight months without a breakdown.

My life has never been the same since Cassandra was taken from us and it will never be the same. Time is passing and decisions for other changes are needed.  Changes on where to move to, changes in a career when we move across the country.  With my MS, my body is not able to keep up physically and I can not do "just any job" and I can only do what I feel is worthy of my soul now that my life is here at this point.  I feel a strong calling to fulfill , at same time I feel my entire life has been leading up to constantly.  It is a very natural calling,  as I "coach" communicate with everyone I come close.

As far as a change in a career goes, as time has gone by, I have changed my mind a couple times and then my other decisions would not feel right in my soul.   I started working on my book that I had dreamed of writing for the last ten to fifteen years , then realized how a career of Life Coaching would work right along with the book. The book would be a great platform for the Life Coach Career or the Life Coach Business will be a great platform for my book when it releases?  I could even take it into a speaking forum as well into our schools.  After all it all fits snugly under the umbrella of my ultimate goal to teach teens how to transform their own life, how to find their own voice and not feel need to consider suicide or need to numb feelings with alcohol or drugs.

This I feel will truly be my Soul's Success.  My goal is to reach young children, pre-teen and teenagers, help them to realize their dreams and let go of their blocks that they may be already facing at that tuff time of life.  Working in a drug and alcohol treatment center for over five years now has taught me that we need to reach this young generation at the start when life is over whelming our teenagers and help them sort through the drama from their Soul's purpose.

I have you to thank, Tedi Anne Templeton  You helped me to stay focused a moment at a time and heal from within to accomplish my life's purpose!

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